Almost Fabulous

I longed to be a "real writer," which to me meant not working in a suburban Philadelphia corporate center, which is what I was doing. I felt New York calling me. When all this happened, I was no kid. I followed the calling at the age of 33, the same age as Jesus when He was crucified.
While establishing my writing life, I worked a number of odd jobs in New York, the oddest being a nun at Covenant House (but that's a story for another blog).
Eventually, I sold stock photography on 21st Street, in the same building as a modeling agency. I watched stunningly beautiful young people step on and off the elevator, me getting off most of all.
My world was rocked.
I told myself that I shouldn't be selling stock photos; I should be selling the people who were actually IN the photos.
This was just before the dawn of the internet age, so I got myself the Manhattan Yellow Pages and faxed my resume to every modeling agency in town. I had no experience in the industry, but I knew sales and marketing and never took a vacation or called out sick. I was also used to living on spare change.
A small mom-and-pop agency took a chance on me. Eventually, I worked my way up to becoming a small-potatoes commercial agent and talent manager.
I booked beautiful people on non-union TV commercials, obscure music videos, magazine print ads, low-rent showrooms and, ironically, stock photography shoots.
I also escorted models to fancy restaurants, a-swingin' nightclubs, and even to the MTV Awards. I was the only person in the mosh pit over thirty. I got to see Sisqo perform "The Thong Song."
I stayed in the business for the next decade. I barely made a dime. I never graduated to the big, established agencies. My models and actors never became superstars. But it was the most intense, fabulous, wild ride I ever took.
This blog will attempt to find out why. What is it about the modeling business that is so compelling? What defines beauty, and who makes the final decision as to who is beautiful? Who exactly are the other people drawn to this business, like I was?
In essence, let's talk to those who get to sit at the cool lunch table.
Last but certainly not least, we'll get closer to gorgeous models themselves, and contemplate why their faces are so symmetrical and what they think of the business and their role in it.
Of course, some amazing photo shoots couldn't hoit, so I'll have those for you too.
Close your eyes and read along as we discover something about models and the people who use them. And ultimately, in discovering this, we may learn something about ourselves. Or maybe not.
Ya'll come back, ya heard?!
It's never too late Ron. I understand every bit of it, cause I was part of this "zoo yorker" myself.
The truth is it is very funny and no one can ever take that away from you. I appreciate the sincerity.
keep 'em coming..
I'm on for the ride.
Of course it goes back to ancient religions. The gods and goddesses of the mythologies were "beautiful people." Models in the original sense.
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